Twenty five questions tag

I know this is a YouTube thing, but i thought you might want to know a little bit more about me.
#1: Do you have any pets?
I have two pets, a German Shepherd named Duchess, and a cat named Oliver.
#2: Name three things that are physically close to you.
My bed, my bedside table, and the wall.
#3: What is the weather like right now?
COLD! It’s 40 degrees outside today as a low and 60 as a high.
#4: Do you drive, if so, have you crashed?
I’m not old enough to drive :/
#5: What time did you wake up this morning?
#6: When was the last time you showered?
Last night
#7: What was the last movie you saw?
If I stay. I cried
#8: What does your last text message say?
#9: What’s your ringtone?
I honestly don’t know, I don’t get called very much.
#10: Have you ever been to a different country?
#11: Do you like sushi?
No, I hate all seafood except for coconut shrimp.
#12: Where do you buy your groceries?
Usually at Farm Fresh or Martins.
#13: Have you ever taken medicine to help you fall asleep faster?
No, I usually fall asleep within 20 minutes if I’m really trying.
#14: How many siblings do you have?
I have one, an annoying little brother.
#15: Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I just recently got a laptop.
#16: How old will you be on your next birthday?
I’m not telling. XD
#17: Do you wear contacts or glasses? I wear glasses, but I prefer contacts. I can’t wear contacts because when I put one in I almost passed out.
#18: Do you color your hair?
I don’t full on die it, but I do get red and blonde highlights that are meant to look natural.
#19: Tell me something you are planning to do today.
I am going to ride my bike in the neighborhood on my street.
#20: When was the last time you cried?
When I watched If I stay.
#21: What is the perfect pizza topping?
I don’t like pizza. 😛
#22: Which do you prefer- hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
I don’t really like either, I like deer burgers.
#23: Have you ever had an all nighter?
Yes, one time on a sleepover I stayed up until 6:30 am and then I fell asleep.
#24: What is your eye color?
Brown. 😦
#25: Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
I don’t like either of them.
That’s all for the twenty five questions tag! I hope you liked it!

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