Sick Day: Outfit, hair, makeup, and what to do

Hey guys! Sorry I didn’t post on Saturday. I was staying at someone else’s house and they didn’t have internet. It was kind of a last-minute thing, but I promise next time something like this happens, I will notify you beforehand if I can’t post. Ok so today, I was feeling congested and kind of sick so I decided make my post about sick days. I’m going to tell you what you can wear, makeup in case you have to go out in public, hair, and what you can do on sick days when you have nothing to do.


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Today I went for a more comfortable look. I’m wearing an oversized sweater and black leggings. I got my leggings from H&M, for $18. I actually don’t remember where I got my sweater from because I got it last year. You could go for an even more comfortable option like sweatpants and an old t-shirt, but I chose this because I had to go to the store.

For my hair, I just brushed and gave it a slight side part and left it down. Another option would be to put you hair up in a messy bun.

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For my makeup, I just put on some concealer and a shimmery lavender eye shadow. You don’t have to put on makeup, I just did because I went out in public.

What to do when you’re sick:

  1. Do homework. If you’re in school, you’ll have to get it done eventually so you should get it done as soon as possible so you don’ t have to do it later.
  2. Read a book, magazine or a news article. Some people have no time to read, so when you’re sick and relaxed, it’s a perfect time to read something.
  3. Clean something or do laundry. If you still live at home with your parents or you’re a teenager, this is a great way to help out around the house.
  4. Listen to music. When you’re sick but don’t feel like getting up and doing anything this is a great way to stay relaxed and still enjoy yourself.
  5. Watch TV or a movie.  A sick day is the perfect time to get caught up on your favorite TV show or watch a movie.
  6. Start your own blog or YouTube channel or something like that. This is a great way to keep yourself entertained. But just know that these  things take time and responsibility so if you don’t have much of either of these things then this is not for you.

That’s all  for this post! See you next time. Comment below suggestions for my next post.

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