Valentine’s Day Makeup Idea ❤

Hi everyone! Today I went shopping with one of my friends and I got some stuff for spring this year and I’m super excited, so ;et me know in the comments if I should do a spring haul once I get enough clothes. Today, I wanted to show you a cute Valentine’s Day makeup idea. Let’s get right into it!

1. Apply moisturizer to your face to ensure it doesn’t dry out over the course of the day and wait a few minutes to let it dry.

 2. Apply concealer where needed, and foundation if you want. Then blend it with a blending sponge.

3. Apply a medium-dark pink shade of blush where it would highlight your cheekbones and blend it in.

4. Put some eye shadow primer on your eyelids, rub it in, and let it dry.

5. Take a shimmery light pink eye shadow and apply it to your eyelids.

6. Put on some eyeliner, but don’t extend the line. (Try to keep it simple)

7. Once your eyeliner dries, put some mascara on your upper and lower lashes.

 8. Apply a bright pink lipstick to your lips. 

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And you are done! This is pretty easy, and only takes about 10-15 minutes. I think is adorable, and looks great as a spring makeup look as well. I hope you enjoyed today’s post and see you guys next time!

SIDENOTE: On Monday, I have to ship my computer back to the computer company to get the cracked screen repaired, so I cannot post next Tuesday, next Saturday, and I might be able to post on the following Tuesday, but I don’t know. So don’t be alarmed if I don’t post for about a week; I just won’t have access to WordPress. And yes, my WordPress app still is not working.

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