How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Hey guys. I’m really sorry I didn’t post on Tuesday.  I know this is no excuse, but I lost track of time and I didn’t even know it was Tuesday until it was too late. But now I promise that I will be more focused and post on schedule. And I will be posting some really fun things later on this summer, so watch out for that. Anyways, today I’m doing a post that I was supposed to do a while ago, but I got sidetracked. I’m going to show and tell how I clean my makeup brushes. 

Cleaning their makeup brushes should be at least a bi-weekly activity for those who use them, but a lot of people don’t clean their makeup brushes nearly as often as they should.  Here are some reasons you should clean your makeup brushes more often:

  • Over time from using your makeup brushes, the brushes build up on skin oils and makeup stays in them
  • This is a breeding ground for bacteria which can cause acne outbreaks on your face
  • Cleaning makeup brushes can make the bristles softer and nicer feeling on your skin

Here is how I clean my makeup brushes.

Step 1: Get a type of soap. (Baby shampoo is recommended, but I didn’t have any, so I just used hand soap(dishwashing soap also works))

Step 2: Put some soap in a bowl and run hot water over it and fill the bowl so the water is soapy. 

Step 3: Swirl each brush around in the water. Pay extra attention to blending brushes (foam ones) and eyeliner brushes because the makeup is harder to get out. With blending brushes, I’d recommend get it wet, then squeezing it and continually doing that until all or most of the makeup comes out. 

Step 4: Leave the brushes sitting in the bowl with all bristles submerged for 5-10 minutes. 

Step 5: Rinse the brushes with cold water, then reshape the bristles if needed. 

Step 6: Create a sort of seesaw with a round object (I used a tube of mascara, but you’ll probably need something larger especially if you have more brushes to clean than me), and a paper towel. 

Step 7: Balance your brushes on the “seesaw” with the bristles facing downwards and leave to dry for 6-8 hours. (It’s probably best to do this overnight)

 And that’s all! This is super easy to do and it works very well. It makes my brushes clean and soft. I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and I’ll see you next time! 

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