Lush Bath Bomb Mini Haul and Reviews

Hello everybody! Since I have been trying to do more of a variety of blog posts, I thought that it would be fun to buy some bath bombs from Lush and review them for you guys. There is no Lush store near where I live, but luckily I had some gift cards from Christmas I could use. I have been planning this post for a while now (I bought all of these before Valentine’s Day) so I’m not sure if Lush is currently selling all of these bath bombs I purchased, but most of them probably aren’t limited to holidays/seasons. Let’s get into this post!




The first bath bomb I purchased is the Dragon’s Egg Bath Bomb. I wanted to try it out because the name of it suggested that it would have something inside. It appeared to be white with bits of color sticking out. It has a really, sugary sweet smell like candy. At first I was wary because I tend to not like super sugary scents, but once in the bath this was incredible.







Inside this bath bomb was a beautiful orange color, which is what color my bath turned. The sweet sugary scent kind of reminded me of a childhood candy, like Pez or pixie stix. The bath bomb also made the water have subtle gold shimmers in it. The sweet candy-like scent was actually incredibly relaxing, and the bath color was gorgeous.





The second bath bomb I got is Tisty Tosty. This is a white heart-shaped bath bomb with flowers in it. I believe this came out around Valentine’s Day, but I’m not sure if it is still being sold or not. This has a very perfumey, floral scent. I would almost describe it as reminding me of the stereotypical grandmother, but not in a bad way, almost comforting and relaxing. This is a pretty subtle bath bomb, it doesn’t turn the bath any colors, it just has a very soothing relaxing smell to it so if you’re not a fan of the glittery, colored baths then this might be better for you.






The third bath bomb I got was Intergalactic. I had seen so many great reviews about this bath bomb, so I really wanted to try it. It’s a shimmery blue color with yellow and pink streaks running around it. This bath bomb is unscented, which is only a tad disappointing because the stunning color makes up for it. This turned my bath into a beautiful, shimmery, sapphire blue color. It’s extremely pretty.




The 4th bath bomb I got was Sakura. This is a white bath bomb with a floral scent, but it is not quite as perfumey as Tisty Tosty, it’s more natural and fresh. It has these little blue, green, and pink things in it that look kind of like poprock candy,  I was a bit disappointed in this bath bomb, because it didn’t have any color, and unlike the Tisty Tosty bath bomb, the scent was so subtle you could barely smell it.





The last bath bomb I got was Guardian of the Forest. It’s just light and dark green. It’s incredible, because this smells exactly like the forest. It has a rainforest-esque, refreshing, plant-like smell. It’s also not very subtle, but I like that because it’s a very relaxing scent to me. This tunred my bath a gorgeous shimmery, emerald green color.






That’s all for today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it, and see you next time!