2 Delicious Salad Recipes

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to tell you how to make 2 yummy salads. These are easy and quick so they’re great for school or work lunches. They’re also a great way to eat healthy, with tasty food. They’re both bey similar, just different variations of the same salad. Let’s get started! 

Peaches and Apple Spinach Salad

What you will need: 

  • Baby spinach leaves or a half and half mix if you would like
  • 1/2 of a fresh peach, sliced
  • Croutons
  • Panera Bread’s Fugi Apple Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

1- Get a medium-large bowl and fill it 2/3 with your spinach. 

2- Slice the peach half if necessary, and add in the slices

3-Add some croutons on top

4-Toss with Fugi Apple Dressing

This salad is geared more towards the summertime. It’s very fresh and fruity. I love this dressing because it’s slightly sweet with a bit of sour apple bite. The croutons give this salad the perfect amount of crunch. 

#2: Strawberry Cucumber Apple Spinach Salad
What you will need:

  • 3-5 Strawberries
  • A cucumber
  • Baby Spinach 
  • Wonton Strips
  • Panera Bread’s Fugi Apple Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

1- Get a medium-large bowl and fill it 2/3 with your spinach. 
2- Slice your strawberries 

3-Slice your cucumber medium-thickness, then into chunks

4- Add in some wonton strips

5-Toss with Fugi Apple Dressing

I like this salad better than the previous one. The strawberries along with the cucumber and the wonton strips are a perfect combination. The dressing makes this salad taste very fresh. This is a very refreshing salad, good for an appetizer or if you just want something light. 
That’s all for today’s post. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and see you next time! 

How to have a healthier lifestyle and stay healthy

Hey everybody! So since the new year started, you guys have to work on your new year’s resolutions. And I know that many of you probably are working on and/or struggling with being healthy and staying healthy. So today I wanted to help you all out with that. I’m going to share some tips, tricks, recipes, exercise routines and more so stay tuned!

If you are trying to lose weight, I would suggest not going on a diet because most of the time it doesn’t work. Also, do not skip meals because even if you lose weight, it will make you more tired during the day and it is not good for you. Also, do not feel bad about snacking throughout the day. As long as you keep your snacks healthy like nuts, fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc. then you can eat as many snacks as you would like.

If you are not trying to lose weight, here’s how to still eat healthier to keep your body in shape.

Breakfast: For breakfast I will usually go with one of the following:

A Smoothie
Toast with honey butter and jam
Toast with sunbutter

I love sunbutter because personally, I think it tastes better than peanut butter. It’s also slightly healthier, and it’s a good alternative to peanut butter if you have nut allergies.

Lunch & Dinner: I have done a previous post on healthy meals to eat so here is the link:


Snacks: There are so many snack possibilities that I can’t name that many so I’ll just name some of my favorites.

Trail mix
Carrots, celery, and peanut butter
I also have a sweet snack favorite that I found on YouTube. (It’s the strawberry shortcake sandwiches) Here is the link:


More advice/tips:
When you’re at the store, it’s very easily to gravitate towards unhealthy foods, and one way to guarantee hat you’re buying something good for you is to shop in the organic or gluten free aisle. Most organic foods can cost up to a few dollars more that regular foods, but if you buy things in bulk and use coupons, then it won’t cost so much. Also, if you want fruits and vegetables make sure they are fresh and won’t spoil anytime soon. You can buy frozen fruit, but fresh tastes way better. Some of my favorite places to shop for food are:
Trader Joe’s

I, for one, know that exercising consistently is pretty hard to do, whether you don’t have that much time or you just don’t like doing it. So I’m going to tell you how I stay fit.

1) I walk my dog. My dog is a German Shepherd, and she requires HUGE amounts of exercise per day so sometimes I just do this to wind her down. Since she has such a high energy level, our walks usually last around 20-30 minutes. When I walk her in the summer, I try to walk her before noon because it’s cooler. In the wintertime, I walk her in the afternoon when it’s warmer. I always bring a portable water bowl and two water bottles on our walks.

2) You could go to the gym. I don’t go to the gym because I exercise in school and in the summertime I swim every week. But if you don’t go to school and you need to exercise then the gym is a great place to do it. My favorite pieces of equipment are the stair stepper and the treadmill.
Tips for the gym: Bring some disinfectant wipes to wipe off equipment because it can get really sweaty over the course of a day. Also bring a change of clothes and shower at the gym if possible.

3) Do yoga. Yoga is super fun, and not that hard on your body but it still works out your muscles. I like to listen to some softer type alternative music while I do this, like Lorde or Lana Del Rey. When I do yoga, I usually wear a tank top or t-shirt paired with yoga pants, leggings, or sweatpants. You do not need a yoga mat to do yoga but it is recommended. Just don’t do it on wood floors, do it on a softer surface. I don’t have a set workout, but here are some of my favorite moves. (Do them in order)

1) Arching three-legged dog:
1. Start with your hands flat on the ground, holding yourself upwards with your bottom up in the air.
2. Stretch one leg upwards, bending the knee so you foot falls toward your head.
3. Hold for about 30 seconds, repeat with other leg.

2) Extended Tabletop:
1. Start sitting down.
2. Lie back and lift your body up on your hands and feet so your belly is facing the ceiling and your body forms a flat surface.
3. Push your body more upwards, and extend one arm back past your head. 4. Hold as long as you can and repeat on the other side.

3) Warrior Pose
1. Stand with your feet close together.
2. Lean forwards on one foot, pushing the other leg back, and stick your arms straight out.
3. Hold as long as possible, then repeat on the other leg.

4) Wide squat:
1. Stand with your feet spread out past your hips.
2. Bend your knees and lower your bottom towards the ground.
3. Bring your hands together in front of your chest, and push your elbows on the inside of your knees to stretch your hips more.
4. Hold as long as possible.

5) Camel pose:
This pose is a little more advanced than the others, so it’s ok if you can’t get it at first.
1. Start standing on your knees.
2. Bend backwards and grab your ankle area if possible.
3. Hold as long as you can.

6) Child’s pose
1. Start standing on your knees.
2. Stretch your arms out as far as you can so your body is sort of crouching with your arms sticking out.
3. Hold this pose as long as possible.

7) Warrior Two
1. Start standing with your legs far apart, one foot facing forwards and the other facing sideways.
2. Bend the knee of the leg of the foot facing forwards and lean forwards.
3. Make sure to keep your upper body straight and hold your arms out so one is in front of you and one is behind you.
4. Hold this pose as long as possible.

8) Upward facing dog:
1. Start lying facedown with your arms at your sides.
2. Place your hands in front of you and push off the ground, lifting up your hips and curving your upper body while looking to the ceiling.
3. Hold as long as possible.

9) Bridge:
I don’t think this is a yoga pose but I did it in gymnastics and it’s great for stretching out your core.
1. Start lying down.
2. Point your elbows and knees up toward the ceiling, with your palms and feet flat on the floor.
3. Push upwards, first with your feet so you are standing on your head, then with your hands so your body is curving like a bridge and only your hands and feet are touching the ground. Hold as long as possible.

10) Corpse:
This is my cool down move. It is so relaxing. If you had music playing, and you think it will be distracting then turn it off because this will require great concentration.
1. Start lying on your back with your palms facing upwards.
2. Close your eyes, and relax your body.
3. Try to clear your mind, so you aren’t thinking about anything.
4. Remain like this for about 5 minutes, then slowly get up.
Tips for relaxing your body: I have a hard time relaxing, so here is what I do to relax. I pretend I am encased in jello and I can’t move or the jello will break.
I also imagine my body and the floor becoming one, my body melting into the floor.

These are all of my tips and tricks for being and staying healthy. I hope you enjoyed it and see you next time!

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Lunch Ideas

Hi guys! So recently I’ve been trying to incorporate more and more healthier foods into my diet, and it’s kind of hard to do. :/ I thought it would be really fun if today I show you some recipes for an example of how to do that. I made up all three of these recipes by myself. These are lunch recipes, but of course you can eat them for dinner too. These foods are perfect for if you need something quick you can grab on the go for school or work, or if it’s a lazy day and you don’t really feel like working too hard on making something. đŸ˜‰ So without further ado, let’s get started!

#1: Turkey & Cranberry relish pita

This recipe is probably the most healthy out of all of these, but I swear to god, I would eat this all of the time if I could. This is so delicious yet really simple, and fall-themed as well.

What you will need:

  • Pita Bread
  • Cranberry relish
  • Turkey
  • A knife
  • A spoon




1) Cut your pita bread in half with your knife as best as you can. ( my pita was frozen, so I had to heat it for 15 seconds in the microwave beforehand for it to defrost.)

2) Spread your cranberry relish in a thin even layer because it can be kind of sour. (I used cranberry-orange relish from Trader Joe’s)


3) Depending on how big your slices of turkey are, you can either cut them in half or leave them as whole slices, and then put them on top of your relish in your pita.


And you are done! This is my favorite healthy easy lunch idea of all-time in fall when I don’t have much time to pack my lunch.


#2: CC&J

I do this nearly everyday for my school lunch. This is super easy to do, plus it’s a good alternative for the people out there who are allergic to peanuts, for instead of PB&J.

What you will need:

  • Cream Cheese
  • Some type of berry jam
  • Bread



1) Take two slices of your bread and toast them to your liking. I recommend a light to medium toasting. (the toasting is just to be able to spread the cream cheese more easily)


2) Spread your cream cheese over one slice of your toasted bread. (I use honey nut cream cheese, but if you’re allergic to tree nuts you can just use another flavor or plain)

3) Take you jam and spread it on the other piece of bread.

4) Sandwich your two pieces of bread together and you’re finished!  Something great about this is that you can eat this for breakfast too!


#4: Spinach, turkey, cranberry, & almond salad

I don’t have any pictures to go with this recipe, so I’ll try to explain this in the simplest way possible.

What you will need:

  • Baby spinach
  • Thick-cut turkey
  • Fresh or dried cranberries
  • Sliced almonds
  • Salad dressing (preferably something sweet)
  • A plastic container

1) Fill your container up about 3/4 with your baby spinach.

2) Cut your turkey into thin strips about an inch long and 1/2- 1/4 inch wide and add it to your spinach.

3) Add some cranberries and almonds to the salad.

4) Drizzle as much salad dressing as you would like on top.

5) Close your plastic container and shake for about 30 seconds. When you open it, it should be perfectly tossed.

That’s all of the recipes I have! I hope you enjoyed this post and will use the recipes. Tell me what you thought in the comments! See you next time!

Delicious 4 ingredient Peach Cobbler

Hello. Today I wanted to share a yummy dessert recipe with you guys, so I chose this one. It only has 4 ingredients, so it’s pretty hard to mess up if you’re a beginner. đŸ˜‰Â Â  It’s also great  for fall or if you have to bring a dish to thanksgiving or something like that. This is an amazing dessert recipe and my family usually has it eaten up in about 2 days.

What you will need:

  • A medium sized baking pan (about 10 by 10)
  • a large can of peaches or two regular sized cans of peaches
  • a box of butter pecan or yellow cake mix (butter pecan tastes way better, but yellow is the bet substitution)
  • ground cinnamon
  • 1 stick of butter


Step 1: Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Step 2: Open your peaches and dump them into your baking pan. Spread them in an even layer and sprinkle a tiny bit of cinnamon on top of them.


Step 3: Pour your cake mix over your peaches. Take a flat object, like a spatula, and spread the cake mix as evenly and as flatly as you can, making sure to fully cover the peaches.


Step 4: Cut your stick of butter in medium to thin slices, and place them on top of your cake mix layer. Bake for 20-35 minutes, depending on how strong your oven is. Take out the cobbler when the top of it is golden brown and it doesn’t look powdery.



Tip: Served best warm with vanilla bean ice cream.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and will make it for your family and friends! See you next time!