Lush Bath Bomb Mini Haul and Reviews

Hello everybody! Since I have been trying to do more of a variety of blog posts, I thought that it would be fun to buy some bath bombs from Lush and review them for you guys. There is no Lush store near where I live, but luckily I had some gift cards from Christmas I could use. I have been planning this post for a while now (I bought all of these before Valentine’s Day) so I’m not sure if Lush is currently selling all of these bath bombs I purchased, but most of them probably aren’t limited to holidays/seasons. Let’s get into this post!




The first bath bomb I purchased is the Dragon’s Egg Bath Bomb. I wanted to try it out because the name of it suggested that it would have something inside. It appeared to be white with bits of color sticking out. It has a really, sugary sweet smell like candy. At first I was wary because I tend to not like super sugary scents, but once in the bath this was incredible.







Inside this bath bomb was a beautiful orange color, which is what color my bath turned. The sweet sugary scent kind of reminded me of a childhood candy, like Pez or pixie stix. The bath bomb also made the water have subtle gold shimmers in it. The sweet candy-like scent was actually incredibly relaxing, and the bath color was gorgeous.





The second bath bomb I got is Tisty Tosty. This is a white heart-shaped bath bomb with flowers in it. I believe this came out around Valentine’s Day, but I’m not sure if it is still being sold or not. This has a very perfumey, floral scent. I would almost describe it as reminding me of the stereotypical grandmother, but not in a bad way, almost comforting and relaxing. This is a pretty subtle bath bomb, it doesn’t turn the bath any colors, it just has a very soothing relaxing smell to it so if you’re not a fan of the glittery, colored baths then this might be better for you.






The third bath bomb I got was Intergalactic. I had seen so many great reviews about this bath bomb, so I really wanted to try it. It’s a shimmery blue color with yellow and pink streaks running around it. This bath bomb is unscented, which is only a tad disappointing because the stunning color makes up for it. This turned my bath into a beautiful, shimmery, sapphire blue color. It’s extremely pretty.




The 4th bath bomb I got was Sakura. This is a white bath bomb with a floral scent, but it is not quite as perfumey as Tisty Tosty, it’s more natural and fresh. It has these little blue, green, and pink things in it that look kind of like poprock candy,  I was a bit disappointed in this bath bomb, because it didn’t have any color, and unlike the Tisty Tosty bath bomb, the scent was so subtle you could barely smell it.





The last bath bomb I got was Guardian of the Forest. It’s just light and dark green. It’s incredible, because this smells exactly like the forest. It has a rainforest-esque, refreshing, plant-like smell. It’s also not very subtle, but I like that because it’s a very relaxing scent to me. This tunred my bath a gorgeous shimmery, emerald green color.






That’s all for today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it, and see you next time!




Hey guys! I’m excited to announce that my blog has just reached 100 followers!!!!!!! I’ve only had this blog for about 1 year and 4 months, so this is such an incredible achievement for me. It’s almost unbelievable, I never thought that my blog would come this far. I want to say thank you to all of my loyal followers, as well as those who have just started reading my posts. I could have never done this without all of your support. Once again, thank you so much! Have a great day 🙂

October Favorites 🎃🕸

Hello Everyone! We’re already halfway through my favorite season, fall. Today I wanted to share my favorite things from this month with you guys. Let’s get started! 



  • Oh Wonder- Technicolour Beat
  • Little Mix- Love Me Like You
  • Rihanna- American Oxygen


The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

This book is the first book in a trilogy. I haven’t read the other two yet, but this is a really good one so if you’re looking for a new book series then this one is great. 


Todd Hewitt is the last boy in Prentisstown. But Prentisstown isn’t like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else’s thoughts in an overwhelming, never-ending stream of Noise. There is no quiet, no privacy, no room for secrets. Or is there? Just a month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd and his dog, Manchee- whose thoughts Todd can hear, too, whether he wants to or not- stumble upon an area of complete silence. Which is impossible. Prentisstown has been hiding something from him, a secret so awful that Todd and Manchee are suddenly running for their lives. But how can you flee when your pursuers can hear your every thought? And where can you run when there’s nowhere to go?

Undertow by Michael Buckley


Lyric Walker’s life forever changes the night she witnesses the arrival of the Alpha, or First Men. The world’s initial wonder and awe over the new race quickly turn into paranoia and fear, transforming her hometown of Coney Island into a military zone with violence bubbling just beneath the surface. Despite her best efforts, Luric is thrust into the middle of this clash of civilizations when the Alpha teenagers are forced into her high school and she is recruited to help their crown prince, a battle-scarred boy named Fathom, adjust to life as an American teenager. Fathom is full of anger, and violence follows him everywhere, yet she finds herself drawn to him.  Their love, however, is a dangerous one, with forces on both sides working to keep them apart, and it threatens to expose a shocking secret Lyric and her family have been keeping since she was a baby. And while the world sees the Alpha as an invading army, Lyric discovers that they are in fact humanity’s only hope of survival, because there’s something much more terrifying than the Alpha. And it’s on it’s way. 



Nyx Super Skinny Eye Marker: CVS Pharmacy, $3

I got his because I was running out black eyeliner. This was pretty cheap, so I thought I would try it out. I absolutely love this! This is super easy to apply and even make wings with. You can just draw it on! Previously I had used a liquid eyeliner with a felt tip applicator and a bottle but it was hard to draw a straight line and make a wing if I wanted to. 



Marshmallow Fireside Mini Candle: Bath and Body Works, $4.50

I normally don’t like sugary-type scents, but the vanilla marshmallow smell is prefect with the hint of a warm fire smell. This candle is the embodiment of roasting marshmallows, which makes it a perfect fall smell. 
Creatures Great and Small Coloring Book: Michaels, $20

This is a really cool coloring book. It’s sort of like a field guide book. On one side is the drawing that you color in and on the other side of the paper is information about the animals so you can color them correctly and learn at the same time. 

That’s all for today’s post. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and see you next time! 

When You don’t Know What To Do

jaxonss's Blog

I know this topic has been addressed many times on the internet recently and I know this post probably won’t matter because I’m not someone famous. But I’m going to talk about it because this really stood out to me.

Today I was scrolling through YouTube because I was bored and I had nothing to do. I noticed that there was a new video posted and it was by Taylor Caniff. He’s a part of Magcon so I thought the video was going to be funny. But it was serious. He talked about this fan that he met and how she was so bubbly and happy. He instantly realized the impact he had made on teenage girls and how he made them laugh and smile by watching his videos or vines. A few weeks later, someone sent him a link to an article about this girl. It turns out that…

View original post 258 more words

Today’s post

Hey guys I can’t post today. I had one all planned out but I was out all day and it took way longer than I thought it would so I didn’t have time to prepare today’s post. I’m really sorry, and I’ll try to post it early tomorrow morning.

My birthday sleepover!

So today I’m having a birthday sleepover for a birthday party and I wanted to show you my hair, makeup, and pjs. So let’s just get right into it!


Turquoise v-neck: Kohls, $20
Grey melange jogger pants: Kohls, $30
I love these pants because you can wear them as pajamas or you could exercise in them.



For today I just curled my hair with my curling wand.

Remington curling wand 1-1/2 inches: Target, $20

So for my makeup today, I just did a simple purple smoky eye.

How to: Take a light purple shimmery eyeshadow and apply it all over your eyelids. Then take a plum colored eyeshadow and apply it over half of your eyelid and blend it with the first eyeshadow you put on. Then apply a dark purple eyeshadow on the outer edge of your eyelid and blend it with the other eyeshadow. And you are done! This is so simple and easy to do!
I hope you enjoyed my post today! See you next time!