Hey guys! I’m excited to announce that my blog has just reached 100 followers!!!!!!! I’ve only had this blog for about 1 year and 4 months, so this is such an incredible achievement for me. It’s almost unbelievable, I never thought that my blog would come this far. I want to say thank you to all of my loyal followers, as well as those who have just started reading my posts. I could have never done this without all of your support. Once again, thank you so much! Have a great day 🙂

Some little things…

Hello everyone! Today I’m trying something a little bit different. I wanted to just post some types of things that are either other blogs that I love to look at to make me happy, funny YouTube videos, etc. I wanted to post something that may cheer you up if you’re having a bad day, or if you’re looking for some other blog to check out or anything like that. Let me know if you like this kind of post, and I’ll try to think outside of the box and do little different things like this for you guys. Let’s get started! 
Other blogs I really like:

Note- I’m not necessarily trying to promote anyone, and I haven’t been paid to do so. I just want to share some blogs that I enjoy. 

This blog is great. The author uses very descriptive, helpful, language and they seem to be a very friendly person. 

I love this blog because it has nail art and beauty. The nail art designs are very intricate and beautiful, and the author is a very nice person as well. 

This blog is great if you’re looking for something that is more fashion related. The writer has a very detailed and sophisticated way of writing that is easy to understand. 

Some funny YouTube videos


This was absolutely hilarious and i was not expecting it. Great if you need a quick pick-me-up. But warning, she curses kind of a lot. 
Cheat day is a funny show by clevverTV on YouTube where the people basically eat really weird things. If you have a weak stomach, then you might not be able to watch these but they are really funny. 

ClevverTV has an offshoot channel/internet show called beauty break which is an awesome channel. It helps with some beauty things but a lot of the episodes end up as hilarious failures. This is one of the funniest ones. 

I know this doesn’t seem like much, but I’m just testing this type of post out so let me know if you like it. See you guys next time!