Cute + Quick Winter Room Decor

Hello everyone! First off, I’m sorry I didn’t post last week but it was my birthday party so I needed a little break from work. But today’s post is super exciting and fun! I know I haven’t done a DIY/room decor post for a while now, and I’ve found some really cute ideas on Pinterest that I kind of put my own spin on, so I’ll be showing you how to make them. Let’s get started!

1) Ping Pong Ball Multicolored Lights

Original Pinterest Post Photo:


What you will need:

  • Multicolored battery powered lasting lights (I used a 10 count, but you can use however many you want)
  • As many Ping-Pong Balls as lights you have, with a few extras (preferably with no logo, but if it has a small logo then it’s ok)
  • An X-Acto knife or some small scissors (like sewing scissors)
  • Batteries to power the lights

Step 1- Put batteries in the lights and check to see if they all work. 

Step 2- Take your knife or scissors and poke a crisscross (like an x) in the ping pong ball. (If your balls have logos just poke the holes over the logo) Continue with this step for each ball. 

Step 3- Push a ball over a lightbulb, but don’t use too much pressure or the hole might get bigger. You can always make he hole bigger if it’s too small. Do this for every ball and bulb. 

Step 4- Find somewhere to hang your light strand and turn it on. 

This is a really unique alternative to the general lights that many people hang in their rooms. This is also something you can keep up all year, it’s just a holiday type DIY because these lights are easier to find around Christmas. I love how quickly this took, and how easy it was, yet it looks very expensive and fancy. 

My Results: 

With other lights on:

With lights turned off:


2) Shadow Box Scene

Original Pinterest Post Photo:


I definitely modified this to my own style, but it’s something that you can really make however you’d like. 
What you will need:

  • A shadow box (11 in by 14 in is what I got for about $30 from Michaels which is kind of pricey, but their shadow boxes were buy one get one free, so I got another one for another craft hopefully)


  • Fake Snow (cotton) or cotton balls


  • Some small fake trees and other wintery objects


  • A hot glue gun 
  • Some copper wire fairy lights (optional) 

Step 1- Arrange your objects how you would like them, making sure that they’re in the front of the box and that you can slide the box closed at the end. 

Step 2- Using the hot glue gun, glue down your objects. 

Step 3- Make sure you can fit the cotton in the edges of the box and in front of the bases of your trees and your objects, making it look natural. 

Step 4- Carefully put hot glue where you would put your snow and glue down the cotton. (If you’re using cotton balls, stretch them out first so they’re not in a ball shape)

Step 5- Glue down more snow behind your objects so it looks more realistic. 

Step 6- Add lights if you would like (I didn’t). Just be sure to hide the battery pack under some snow if you can and string the lights on the backboard or around your objects. 

Step 7- Close the box. 

And you’re done! This is an adorable holiday DIY that is perfect for the winter season. You could also add a cute wintery patterned paper to the backboard if you don’t want it to be just brown. This is a really cool craft that you can customize to your own tastes. 
My Results:


That’s all for today’s post! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and see you next time. 

    DIY Fall Leaf Garland

    Hey guys! Fall is my favorite season, so I decided to give my room a bit of change to make it more fall-themed. I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial, and let’s get started!

    What you will need:

    • Twine or some type of strong string
    • Cutable wire
    • Heavy Duty Scissors
    • Fake Autumn Leaves
    • Hammer and Nails (optional)

    Step 1: Measure how much twine you want to across a wall. You can either tie it between objects already on your wall, or hammer in some nails and tie it around the nails so it’s stretched out. 

    Step 2: Cut about 1-2 inch pieces of wire. 

    Step 3: Push the wire through the leaf near the stem part

     Step 4: Push the ends of the wire up to make sort of a half circle shape. 

    Step 5: Hold the lead up to the twine, and twist the ends of the wire together around the twine. Then tuck the ends in the loop made to make it look neater. (You may want some type of jewelry plier to do this because it can be difficult.)


    Step 6: Complete steps 2-5 with each leaf until they’re equally spread out on your garland. 

    And you’re done! This is super easy and not very time consuming. This is a nice way to make your room look great for fall. I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and see you next time!

    DIY Room Decor- Watercolor Garland

     Hi everybody! I’m sorry I didn’t post on WordPress Saturday. I tried but when I posted it, the app crashed and hadn’t saved any of my work. I also didn’t have any extra time to retype my post so I just didn’t post. But today I have a really cool room decor DIY that I’m going to tell you how to do. So let’s get right into it! 
    What you will need:

    • Water colors of various colors and shades (5 at a minimum but more for more variety)
    • Water (obviously)
    • A paintbrush- make sure it’s not super cheap, so the bristles don’t come out
    • A water dish 
    • Thick white paper (it should be fine as long as it’s thicker than printer paper)
    • Twine
    • Clothes pins or some kind of clip
    • Circular object to make a stencil with
    • Pencil
    • Scissors

    ^ I used the top of this gum container as a stencil for the circles

    Step 1:

    Place your circular object on your paper and trace it with a pencil, then cut out the circle. Trim the edges of the circle to make it more round if you would like

    Step 2:

    Put some water on your brush and mix it with your desired water color. (You may need a bit more water if you’re using new water colors) Then paint roughly 1/5 of the circle with color. It’s ok if it’s not very pigmented and watery, you can always do a second coat. 


    Step 3:
    Then repeat step 2 with four other colors, putting them right next to each other. 


    Step 4:  

    Next, get more water than before on your brush and use it with your first color, so the color is more pigmented. Quickly rinse the brush and repeat with the two colors surrounding it, and swirl the colors a bit with your brush, but not too much. Do this for all of the colors on the circle. Then set your circle aside. 


    Step 5:
    Continue steps 1-4 until you have about 12-15 circles, or however many you think would be accurate for the length of the garland you will make. Next, set your circles on newspaper to dry overnight. 


    Step 6:
    Next, take some twine and stretch it across where you want your garland and cut a little more than you need for the length. You can nail the twine into the wall, or tie it into something. (I tied mine between something hanging from my ceiling and my curtain rod)

    Step 7: 

    Then get your clips and your circles once they’re dry, and clip your circles onto the twine. Now you have a beautiful water color garland! I think this looks super cool, sort of like tie-dye. 


    That’s all for today’s post! I hope you guys liked it and will try it out. See you next time! 

    Summer Room Decor 2015 

    Hello everyone! Yesterday was the last day of school for me and it was a half day so my friend Emily rode the bus home with me. We made some crafts that I’ll tell you how to do. I hope you guys enjoy it! 
    Canvas Magnets 

    What you will need: 

    • Assorted nail polish colors
    • Aluminum Baking Tray
    • Toothpicks
    • Water
    • Mini canvases 
    • Magnets with foam adhesive

    Step 1: Fill your tray with water. 

    Step 2: Pour out some nail polish in different colors over the water. 

    Step 3: Dip your canvas in the nail polish. While you are holding the canvas in the nail polish, take a toothpick and swirl it around in the nail polish a round the edges of the canvas to get of the excess nail polish. 

    Step 4: Repeat this with as many canvases as you would like. 

    Step 5: Set your canvases out to dry for over 6 hours. (This should probably be done overnight) 

    Step 6: Once your canvases have completely dried, take your magnets and stick them onto the back of the canvases. 
    Finished Product: 


    Nail Polish Jars

    What you will need: 

    • Assorted nail polish colors
    • Aluminum Baking Tray
    • Toothpicks
    • Water
    • Glass Jars

    Step 1: Pour water into your tray. 

    Step 2: Pour nail polish colors over the water in the design you desire. 

    Step 3: Dip the bottom of a jar in the nail polish. While you are holding the jar in the water, use a toothpick to twist around the outside of the jar to get rid of the excess nail polish. 

    Step 4: Repeat with other jars and jar lids. 

    Step 5: Turn jars upside down and lay out jars and lids overnight to dry. 

    Step 6: Fill your jars! 
    Finished Product: 

    That’s all for these DIYs! I hope y’all enjoyed this post, and see you next time!  

    DIY- Cute Pillows!

    Hello everybody! So yesterday I found out that I had a major virus on my computer and we had to call the computer company, but now that is all resolved so I could get to my post today. Today I wanted to show you guys my way to make your own pillows. It’s very easy, and only takes about 20-30 minutes. So let’s get right into it!

    Step 1:

    Pick out your fabric. Cut off any uneven edges and make sure the fabric will be big enough for a pillow. Lay your fabric out so it is laying with the right side up. Fold it in half so the side facing up is the incorrect side. (If you don’t know what it will look like, the incorrect side will be paler than the other side)

    Step 2:

    Thread your needle with a thread closely matching the color of your fabric.

    Step 3: Starting sewing the fabric together, so that on one side of the fabric there are very small stiches that you can hardly see and that are spread out a bit, and on the other side very large stiches that are close together.



    Step 4: Sew up most of the fabric, leaving a small-medium sized hole.


    Step 5: Reach inside of the hole and pull the pillow the other way so it is no longer inside-out. It is easier to start by grabbing the corners and pulling them out first.


    Step 6: Taking some Polyfil, (about $5-$10, Joann) carefully stuff your pillow starting with the corners and the bottom and build up the stuffing to the top.

    Step 7: Re-thread your needle and start sewing up your hole. Sew it with a different technique. Take your fabric and fold in the rough edges and sew it up by sticking your needle in the side of it and pulling it over and through to make loops over the folded fabric. Continue doing this until the hole is sewn up.

    Step 8:(optional) Take some type of decoration and sew/hot glue it on. I had some paper flowers from Michael’s, $3 and I used super glue to attach them because they were too delicate to sew on.


    And you are done! This is super simple, and looks so cute on your bed when you are done. I hope you will try this craft, and see you guys next time!

    DIY Valentine’s Day Room Decor!

    Hi everyone. disregard that last post if you saw it because I think I can get this posted today. So today I wanted to show you some easy DIYs to make your room decorated for Valentine’s day. Let’s get started!

    DIY Pom-poms:

    What you will need:


    • Pink or red yarn
    • scissors
    • a fork
    • wire

    1: Start by wrapping your yarn around your fork until it gets to this thickness:


    2: Cut your yarn and tuck the ends into the yarn wrapped around the fork.


    3: Slip the yarn off of the fork and set it aside. Take your wire and cut about a 7-8 inch piece of it off. Then wrap your wire tightly around the yarn in the opposite direction the yarn is going, and twist it tightly.


    4: Cut the loops of yarn in half. Then, cut the yarn even shorter so it has a fuzzy texture, and make sure the yarn is all the same length. Cut the wire down so it doesn’t stick out, then arrange the yarn so it doesn’t show the wire.


    And you are done! This is super simple, and cute as well! These would look great on string lights, or glued to candleholders in your room.

    DIY Paper flowers:

    I have two ways to make some cute paper flowers, so here they are!


    What you will need:

    • White Tissue paper
    • Scissor
    • a pink or red marker
    • bobby pins
    • green floral sticks
    • floral tape
    • tape


    Fold your tissue paper accordion style and bobby pin it in the middle.


    2: Roughly tear the edges of your tissue paper, then color them with the color of your choice.


    3: Take off the bobby pin and unfold the paper. Then fold the paper in half, and shape it to a flower shape. Tape your flower to your floral stick and cover the tape in floral tape.



    What you will need:

    • Red or pink crepe paper
    • Scissors
    • tape
    • Floral Tape
    • floral sticks

    1: Cut a medium amount of crepe paper from the roll, and fold it into a small square.


    2: Cut off the top corners, so the to of the square is rounded.

    3: Unfold the square, and line the rounded parts up unevenly.


    4: Fold the paper in half two times. Then shape it in a flower shape, and tape your flower to your floral stick and cover the tape in floral tape.


    Put your flowers together in a small vase and put it in your room.


    Lacy Candles

    What you will need:

    • Black or white lace ribbon
    • Scissors
    • glue
    • A candle

    1: If your candle has a label or sticker, peel it off.

    2: Measure how much lace you will need and cut the right amount.

    3: Put your glue on your candle in a zig-zag pattern where you want your lace.


    4: Place your lace over the glue, and with a paper towel, press down the lace. This will also help to get up the excess glue.


    And you are done! This is so simple, and looks great year-round.

    These are all of my Valentine’s Day DIYs, and I hope you will try them! See you next time!

    DIY gold glitter feather garland!

    Hey guys. So today I had a couple of friends over and we wanted to do a winter craft together so I wanted to show you how to make it.

    What you will need:

    • White feathers
    • Gold glitter
    • Spray glue or a large glue bottle
    • Paper towels
    • Twine
    • Clothespins

    If you’re using spray glue, go ahead and skip steps 1 & 2.

    1)  Spread your glue out on a paper plate.

    2) Take your feathers and dip the bottom in the glue about 1 inch on only one side of the feather.

    3) Dump some of your glitter onto a separate plate.

    4) Spread the side of the feather with the glue on it in the glitter.

    5) Put your feathers on your paper towels and let dry for about 3 hours.



    6) Once your feathers have dried, take your twine and tape it to the wall or tie it between two things on the wall.

    7) Then  peel your feathers off of the paper towels one by one and hang them on your twine with your clothespins.




    And you’re done! This is a bit time-consuming, but it’s very simple and looks quite beautiful when you’re finished. I hope you will try this DIY!