My Favorite Beauty Youtubers

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share with you some of my favorite beauty Youtubers at the moment. I would love it if you would check them out, and maybe gain some of your own beauty inspiration from them. Let’s get right into the post! 

1- Beauty by Tay

This is a smaller channel, but she does great product reviews if you’re looking to try something new. 
2- Coffee Break With Dani

I love this channel because she’s so energetic and has a nice, funny personality. I love watching her unboxing videos, but every type of video by her is great. 

3- Eleventhgorgeous

This channel is run by two bubbly, funny twin sisters who give great reviews. This is another channel I like to watch unboxings on. 
4- Kathleen Lights

This is an overall fantastic channel. All of her videos are great and I would highly recommend them. 

5- Madison Miller

This channel is awesome because she has a fun personality and posts a wide variety of types of videos. 

6- mesijesibeauty

This is a wonderful channel with interesting videos, and the person who runs it is very nice and funny. 

That’s all for the beauty Youtubers I’ve been currently loving. I would love it if you guys would check them out. See you next time! 

7 Ways to Relieve Stress and Feel Good

Hi guys! Today I wanted to share a bit of a different post with you all. Lately I’ve been under more stress than usual, with new classes at school, and challenging school work among other issues, so I thought that I would share some things that help me to relieve stress and feel better overall. I hope these ideas help you as much as they help me, and let’s get started!

1- Yoga or Another Physical Activity 

I’m definitely not a very athletic person, but I’ve discovered that yoga is one type of exercise that I absolutely love. It’s very relaxing and calming. Typically, I go on Pinterest to find new yoga poses and things like that but I decided to turn to YouTube and I found a great channel. 

It’s called Yoga by Candace. 

She posts some yoga routines of various lengths and skill level types, as well as different intensities. Yoga is by far the best thing to relax myself, but this feeling of relaxation can be achieved with other types of exercise. Exercise is supposed to help with relieving stress and boosting your mood so if you have a little free time on your hands then it’s a great thing to do. 

2- A Hot Bath

Most people probably know this, but a hot bath can do wonders for stress. I like to take it up a notch with bath bombs from Lush. They give the bath nice color and scent to add to your relaxation. 

3- Cleaning or Organizing

This is not very often, but sometimes I really get in the mood for reorganizing or cleaning something. I’m not per say a ‘neat’ person but occasionally, organizing things gives me a nice satisfaction. 

4- Call a Friend

If you’re like me, you tend to prefer texting to calling just because you can do other things at the same time and it isn’t distracting. But once in a while, it feels great to call a friend and actually hear their voice. It’s nice to be able to have them cheer you up if you’re in a bad mood, listen to you rant, or just to have a nice, long phone conversation. 

5- Get Caught Up With Your Favorite TV Show Or Start Watching a New One

I started watching pretty little liars on winter break and I’ve been watching it since. I’m only at the beginning of season 4, but it’s very entertaining and nice to just take a little break. 

6- Watch Some YouTube Videos 

I tend to watch YouTube quite often, but I watch a wide range of subjects from comedy to beauty and more. I’ve really been into watching beauty box unboxings and things like that, so I can learn about new products and brands and see if I want to try them out. Sometimes it can also be nice to sit down and watch some entertaining comedic videos to take your mind off of things. 

7- Try Something New 

Something that I really like to do is craft and make things. I’ve been working on a story and a painting at the same time lately and I love it because I can challenge myself in a fun, entertaining way. If you aren’t good at writing or art or just don’t like it, you can work on a hobby or do something you’ve always wanted to try. You can make a craft or DIY, cook, etc. You may even discover something new that you really enjoy doing. 

These are just some things that help me to relieve stress and feel good. I hope these ideas helped you out too, and see you next time! 

Inspiring Instagram Accounts to Follow

Hi everybody! Today I’m coming to you with a blog post that’s a bit similar to last week’s post. Like I said before, I wasn’t sure how a post like that would do, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s currently my most popular post of all time. As I may have also said, I’m trying to think outside of the box for blog post ideas, because I like variety and other people tend to like to see different things. Also, before I get into today’s post, I have a few exciting announcements.

1- This blog is only a few followers away from 100 followers! This is incredibly hard to believe and I’m  so grateful to all of you for your support. It’s amazing that I started this blog a little less than 1 1/2 years ago, and it’s already grown so much. Once again, thanks to all of you.

2- I redesigned my blog’s theme/look. If you’re on a mobile device, you won’t notice unless you actually go to the link for my blog, and you can go ahead and check it out if you’d like. If you’re on a computer, you could be on my actual website or just on WordPress. Don’t be afraid to let my know what you think of the setup. (Also, I’m that technologically advanced just to let you know, but I’m open to suggestions for improvement)

3- This is my most exciting announcement! I’ve decided to get an Ipsy subscription. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a website where you take a little quiz (to get information like eye color, hair color, what skin problems you have, etc.) then by just paying $10 a month, you get a little bag with personalized sample products in it. Ipsy also tends to have more full sized products in it. It comes once a month, about mid-month, and you get 5 samples in it to try out. I think this is a super cool idea if you want to try more beauty products, hair products, skin products, and more, especially higher-end ones, but don’t want to shell out a lot of money for it if you don’t know how it works. I love how affordable this service is. So since I got this subscription, I will do a post on it reviewing the products each month, starting with next month’s, which is February.


Ok, sorry that was such a long intro. Now let’s get into this post! I’m going to share some inspiring Instagram accounts to follow.



Fashion Accounts

This is a great account if you’re into more modern, urban fashions. It has a lot of great trends on it and it’s great if you want some outfit inspiration. However, if shout outs on Instagram annoy you, this account does occasionally post shout outs so don’t follow them if you think it’ll bother you.

If you don’t know, is an online store for clothing. If you look at their Instagram, you can find specific things if you would like. Or you can just look at their pictures for outfit inspiration. They sell really cute things, although I’ve never purchased anything from them.



Aesthetically Pleasing/Accounts with Cool Pictures

All of these accounts are some of my favorite YouTubers, but they’re really good at photography.



Aspyn Ovard is my absolute favorite YouTuber. She takes really good pictures, and has good ideas for fashion, makeup, DIYs, and more.

This account has a really cool color theme, and the pictures are nice to look at. The captions are also cool sometimes.


Connor Franta is a vey funny YouTuber, and I feel like his Instagram account shows a different side of him. His photos are absolutely amazing, and he’s an incredible photographer.




Feminist Accounts

You guys probably don’t know this, but I consider myself to be a feminist and these are the best feminist accounts I’ve encountered. If you don’t care for this sort of thing, then you can skip right over it but I thought I would show them to you guys anyways. These accounts are empowering and body-positive, which is great, and they’re educated on modern issues like political things, among others. I think these accounts are great if you want to be more educated on issues that the general media may overlook.


This is my absolute favorite feminist account. They’re good at getting back to people in the comments, and explain things in an easily understandable way.

This is probably my second favorite feminist account. It’s very similar to the one above, but the two do post different sorts of things.



Lastly, if you’d like to follow me on Instagram here is the link:

(It is a personal account)




That’s all for today’s post! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and see you next time.




Some little things…

Hello everyone! Today I’m trying something a little bit different. I wanted to just post some types of things that are either other blogs that I love to look at to make me happy, funny YouTube videos, etc. I wanted to post something that may cheer you up if you’re having a bad day, or if you’re looking for some other blog to check out or anything like that. Let me know if you like this kind of post, and I’ll try to think outside of the box and do little different things like this for you guys. Let’s get started! 
Other blogs I really like:

Note- I’m not necessarily trying to promote anyone, and I haven’t been paid to do so. I just want to share some blogs that I enjoy.
This blog is great. The author uses very descriptive, helpful, language and they seem to be a very friendly person.
I love this blog because it has nail art and beauty. The nail art designs are very intricate and beautiful, and the author is a very nice person as well.
This blog is great if you’re looking for something that is more fashion related. The writer has a very detailed and sophisticated way of writing that is easy to understand. 

Some funny YouTube videos 

This was absolutely hilarious and i was not expecting it. Great if you need a quick pick-me-up. But warning, she curses kind of a lot.
Cheat day is a funny show by clevverTV on YouTube where the people basically eat really weird things. If you have a weak stomach, then you might not be able to watch these but they are really funny.
ClevverTV has an offshoot channel/internet show called beauty break which is an awesome channel. It helps with some beauty things but a lot of the episodes end up as hilarious failures. This is one of the funniest ones. 

I know this doesn’t seem like much, but I’m just testing this type of post out so let me know if you like it. See you guys next time!