Fall 2014 trend colors

Hi. Today I wanted to show you the fall 2014 trend colors. These can help you if you don’t know what color to paint your nails, or if you just want to know what colors are fashionable this season.

Maroon: All shades of red towards the dark side of red are in style right now, but maroon or burgundy are more prominent styles. Maroon is also a color trend that will probably last throughout winter.


Navy: Another trendy color right now is navy. It fits in nicely with the vintage schoolgirl look that is popular right now. I like plaid items with the color navy for fall too.

navy blue

Beige/light brown:  Beige is a very prominent color right now. It is mostly seen on things like cardigans or sweaters, but it looks cool if it is incorporated into an outfit on another type or clothing.


Army green: Army-inspired things are very popular right now, so it makes sense that army green is a trend color. However,  this color of clothing can sometimes be hard to find in stores, but army print is much easier to find, so you could wear that instead.

army green

Black & White:  Something that never goes out of style is black and white. They look great with other colors or  by themselves, but they look even better together. I’m pretty sure everyone knows what black & white look like so I won’t post a picture of them.

Dark Gray is one of the lesser seen trend colors of this fall, but I still have to include it. It looks amazing if you incorporate it into an outfit with leather or something of a different texture.

dark gray

That’s all for this post! I’ll  see you next time!

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